Call For Papers

FLSF 2024 is an acronym of 2nd Futures Literacy and Strategic Foresight Conference which will take place between 7 and 8 October 2024 at Karabuk University, Safranbolu/Karabuk, TURKEY. The conference will be held under the UNESCO Chair on Anticipation Studies, Futures Literacy, and Strategic Foresight and will focus on the titles of Agile and Resilient Management, Sustainable Management, The Role of Creativity in Management, The Use of Artificial Intelligence in Corporate Management and Futures Literacy in Corporate Management. The conference aims to bring many diverse disciplines to more clearly define the corporate management and figure out necessary skills associated with it in today's highly complex world in accordance with several tracks listed in 'List of Topics' below.

Submission Guidelines

Participants can submit papers to 

All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference.

  • To download English abstract paper template, please click here.
  • To download Turkish abstract paper template, please click here.
  • The conference paper word count: Abstract: 500 words.
  • Important dates:
Abstract Paper Submission Deadline October 3, 2024
Full Paper Submission Deadline -
  • Conference fees:
Registration for standard fee (due to October 5, 2024) 100 euro
Registration for student fee (due to October 5, 2024) 50 euro

Click here  for registration fee payment.

List of Topics

The following paper categories are welcome:

  • Agile and Resilient Management
  • Sustainable Management
  • The Role of Creativity in Management
  • The Use of Artificial Intelligence in Corporate Management
  • Futures Literacy in Corporate Management

International and National Supporters

WAAS – World Academy of Art and Science, CA, USA.

University of Trento, Trento, ITALY.

ITU – Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, TURKEY.

TBV – Turkey Informatics Foundation (Türkiye Bilişim Vakfı), Istanbul, TURKEY.

SARAS – The South American Institute for Resilience and Sustainability Studies, Maldonado, URUGUAY.

Amadou Mahtar Mbow University, Dakar, SENEGAL.

Université de N' Djamena, N' Djamena, TCHAD.

Caucacus University, Tbilisi, GEORGIA.

CCA – Corporate Change Academy, Istanbul, TURKEY.

IACP – Istituto dell'Approccio Centrato sulla Persona, Roma, ITALY.

IIUM – International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA.

ISSEK – Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge, HSE Foresight Centre, Higher School of Economics National Research University, Moscow, RUSSIA.


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